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H.O.P.E. grows: An academic-public health partnership to reimagine public health services and increase mental health access among socially vulnerable populations 


The ART of Readiness: A Practical Tool for Implementation Tailoring at the Activity Level


‘Can you put down your mission and plug into mine?’ How place-based initiatives leverage collaborations with academic institutions to enhance their ABCD and CBR potential



The Moderating Effect of Vaccine Hesitancy on the Relationship between the COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage Index and Vaccine Coverage 


A scoping review of the evaluation and effectiveness of technical assistance


A Proactive, Systematic Approach to Building the Capacity of Technical Assistance Providers


R = MC^2 readiness building process: A practical approach to support implementation in local, state, and national settings


Depictions of Breastfeeding in Newspapers in the United States: 2007-2016

A socio-ecological approach to understanding workplace lactation support in the healthcare setting

The impact of key workplace breastfeeding support characteristics on job satisfaction, breastfeeding duration, and exclusive breastfeeding among healthcare employees

The Readiness for Integrated Care Questionnaire (RICQ): An instrument to assess readiness to integrated behavioral health and primary care


Building and executing a research agenda toward

conducting implementation science in medical education 


Toward an evidence-based system for innovation support for implementing innovations with quality: Tools, training, technical assistance, quality assurance/quality improvement


Factors related to knowledge retention after Crisis Intervention Team training for police officers


The impact of mode of onset of psychosis on pathways to care in a hospitalized, predominantly African American, first-episode sample


No association between psychometrically-determined schizotypy and olfactory identification ability in first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia and non-psychiatric controls


Assessing cross-sector stakeholder readiness to advance and sustain statewide behavioral integration beyond a State Innovation Model (SIM) Initiative


Using Cloud-Based, Opensource Technology to Evaluate, Improve, and Rapidly Disseminate Community-Based Intervention Data

Postpartum Depression Screening and Referrals in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant, and Children Clinics

Using collaborative coalition processes to advance community health, well-being, and equity: Case studies from a national community transformation initiative

Leveraging community psychology competencies to advance medical education and Improve obesity healthcare


Practical implementation science: Developing and piloting the Quality Implementation Tool


Prevalence and correlates of school drop-out prior to initial treatment of nonaffective psychosis: Further evidence suggesting a need for supported education


Preliminary evidence of effects of crisis intervention team training on self-efficacy and social distance


Associations between schizotypal features and indicators of neurological and morphological abnormalities


Psychometric properties of the Brief Version of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire in relatives of patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and non-psychiatric controls


5335 days of Implementation Science: using natural language processing to examine publication trends and topics


Perceptions, experiences, and outcomes of workplace lactation support: A systematic literature review

Formative Evaluation and Complex Health Improvement Initiatives: A Learning System to Improve Theory, Implementation, Support, and Evaluation

Learning from Opportunities and Challenges of a Philanthropy-Private Sector Partnership

A formative multi-method approach to evaluating training


Developing performance-based contracts between agencies and service providers: Results from a Getting to Outcomes support system with social service agencies


Associations between past alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use and current schizotypy among first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia and non-psychiatric controls


Mode of onset and family involvement in help-seeking as determinants of the duration of untreated psychosis: Results from a U.S. first-episode study in partial support of recent U.K. findings


Prevalence, factorial structure, and clinical correlates of first rank symptoms in urban, African-American patients with first-episode nonaffective psychosis


Lack of support for the inability to taste phenylthiocarbamide as an endophenotypic marker in patients with schizophrenia and their first-degree relatives


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