One's grasp is farther than the reach...

We all have the capability of being and doing so much more to realize our fullest vision of wellness. On one's own and without proper resources, one may struggle to achieve personal objectives. For example, Panel A (in the figure above) depicts an individual who desires to have apples from the apple tree but is not able to reach the apples. With access to adequate supports (e.g., a sturdy ladder), one’s capacity for a particular set of outcomes (e.g. wellness) is increased. In Panel B, the individual has access to a ladder and can now reach the apples. Add an enriching environment to the presence of adequate supports and it becomes possible for communities as a whole to thrive (collective wellness). In Panel C, the individual has access to the apples via the ladder, and there are enriching contextual factors (e.g. sunshine to nourish the apple tree, and supportive community to collect the apples). The notion that both individual and contextual factors impact personal and collective well-being, including human capabilities, is at the heart of how we understand the world.